We would like to invite you to join our project of constructing and sailing an exact replica of one of the most famous and perfect sailing ships in the history of the world – the tea clipper “Cutty Sark”. We have an ambitious plan – to build and then sail a replica of the clipper with the help and participation of the public.
Become part of the enthusiastic team that lives out the dream to revive the art of traditional sailing, a group that believes in adventure, team spirit and supports this magnificent project.
- To create interest and educate the public in the traditional skills of composite/wooden shipbuilding. And preserve our maritime heritage for future generations by building a replica of the clipper “Cutty Sark” as a sea going vessel.
- To promote education in the art of operating and maintaining ships under sail by providing training in seamanship to young people of all nations.
- To promote sail-powered shipping as an environmentally friendly alternative form of transport.
Why the Cutty Sark?
To promote sail training and tall ship racing.
Just as before, when the speed and the rivalry of the clipper ships quickly caught the public’s imagination, we believe that a replica of the Cutty Sark will bring back the glory and media attention to the world of Tall Ship Racing.
To promote environmentally friendly transport on the seas.
Delivering her cargo under sail, she was as beautiful as she was fast, the perfect sailing ship of her era. Now she will promote environmentally friendly transport by sea.
To save traditional skills and knowledge for future generations.
Cutty Sark is a composite-build (wood planked on iron frames) sailing ship and building the replica is a unique way to restore and save traditional skills and knowledge for future generations.
International trade and friendship.
The Cutty Sark was a ship of international trade; she has significance in worldwide maritime history, especially in the UK, Portugal, China, Australia and Brazil.
Anniversary of the launching of the original Cutty Sark.
The 150th Anniversary of the launching of the original Cutty Sark will occur on 22nd November 2019.

Startup phase 2015-2019
Start of work with volunteer team;
Crowdfunding campaign;
Developing preliminary draft of ship’s construction;
Searching for a construction site;
Initial promoting the project to the media and public, creation of project’s website;
Fundraising and planning 2019-2020
Formation of the core team;
Formation and implementation of fundraising strategy;
Develop a legal framework for the future business structure;
Prepare appeals to major potential partners and sponsors.
Shipyard setting 2020
Negotiate and coordinate the construction site with a specific city,
Develop architectural plans;
Establish a museum exposition around the slipway, the opening of a museum shipyard with the potential for an exposition part for visitors.
Keel-laying ceremony
22 November 2020, on the date of the Anniversary of the original Cutty Sark ‘launching

Construction process 2020-2023
Installation of the metal skeleton of the ship over the wooden keel;
Logging for logs, sawing, drying;
Planking, caulking, painting (also teaching team of volunteers to traditional skills)
Supply of modern equipment;
Launching of the ship;
Fitting out on the water, including rigging, modern systems, etc.
Operating 2023 onwards
Hiring permanent crew
Preliminary training of sailors-trainees on the shore, certification of trainees;
Setting representative offices in other countries, media-crews;
Cargo transportation: contract search, planning of travel plans;
Contracts with sponsors for environmental transportation;
Contacts with ports along the route, negotiation of calls, etc.
Promotion of business in other countries: exhibitions, conferences, receptions, lunches, etc.;
Visiting ports in the museum mode.
An Interactive museum
The process of building the Cutty Sark 2 will be open to the public.
Where possible, construction processes will be organised as a “performance” with interactive elements; a venue where everyone can see and touch “living“ history and take part; an excellent forum to arouse the attention of the media to international maritime history.
Ship’s design
The ship must not only function as an interactive display but also be suitable for different operational roles – sail-training and cargo transportation.
We’ll create an environment where people will enjoy the teamwork, learning and socializing.
Media Coverage
From the start, including identifying the sponsors and patrons, throughout the construction process and up to the launching of the vessel, we want this project to be permanently covered by the media.
We aim to interest various international TV channels to follow us throughout the process. The media will follow us to the rainforests in South Asia to cut the teak for the decks, and to northern America or Canada for oak for the hull. They will be able to see the ship taking shape and follow her launching and first adventures on the high seas!