Público (PT): Vila do Conde ambiciona construir réplica do veleiro Cutty Sark

Público (PT): Vila do Conde ambiciona construir réplica do veleiro Cutty Sark

Construtor naval e navegador russo, que visitou a cidade na sua fragata, pretende investir 30 milhões neste projecto.

A cidade de Vila do Conde quer ser o local de construção de uma réplica do navio inglês Cutty Sark, uma embarcação do século XIX famosa pelo seu papel no transporte de chá entre a China e Grã-Bretanha. A ambição foi partilhada pela presidente da Câmara Municipal, Elisa Ferraz, “com muitas cautelas e com esperança”, na sequência de uma visita à fragata russa Shtandart, cujo capitão, Vladimir Martus, é director do projecto de construção de um novo veleiro idêntico ao bem conhecido “clipper” inglês.

A Shtandart passou esta terça-feira por Vila do Conde e o seu capitão admitiu estar à procura de espaços para construir o navio. “Queremos encontrar uma comunidade que assuma este sonho connosco. Para já, andamos a ver as cidades e as possibilidades. A ideia de Vila do Conde parece-me promissora, pois tem conhecimento, tradição e mão-de-obra qualificada”, disse,  adiantando ter já passado por Holanda e Polónia, com o mesmo objectivo.

Os estaleiros locais Samuel & Filhos envolveram-se, nas últimas décadas, na construção de réplicas de embarcações históricas, como as caravelas Boa esperança e Vera Cruz, ou a nau quinhentista ancorada no Ave, no mesmo sitio onde durante séculos se desenvolveu, na cidade, um pujante sector de construção naval reconhecido em todo o país.

A autarca Elisa Ferraz partilhou com os visitantes russos a história e tradição vilacondense neste sector, considerando que atrair este projeto iria dinamizá-lo economicamente e transformar-se numa mais-valia turística para a região, numa altura em que o município se lançou no projecto Um Porto para o Mundo, com o desafio de elevar o conhecimento ancestral ainda existente nos estaleiros locais em património imaterial nacional, antevendo uma candidatura posterior à UNESCO.

“Falo nisto com muitas cautelas e com esperança que consigamos vencer os obstáculos para que em Vila do Conde se faça essa réplica. Acho que era um acontecimento enorme para os estaleiros e para a cidade, porque estamos a falar de uma embarcação que demorará anos a ser feita e que daria dinamismo e projeção à cidade”, afirmou Elisa Ferraz. Para a autarca, “o aproveitamento destas técnicas ancestrais de construção naval poderia ser aproveitado para transmitir conhecimentos aos mais jovens”. “Seria um feito estrondoso para nós”, confessou.

O director do projecto adiantou que a réplica do Cutty Sark terá 60 metros de comprimento, e que terá um custo de construção de aproximadamente 30 milhões de euros, sendo usada para formação marítima, mas também como meio de transporte de cargas, como o veleiro original, famoso pelas velocidades que atingia e que chegou a ser propriedade de uma empresa portuguesa, no início do século XX. “Queremos fazer longas distâncias e provar que, hoje, é possível transportar carga sem uso de petróleo”, disse.

Durante a construção, o barco estará aberto a visitas para que o público possa ver os métodos tradicionais da construção naval. A construção, que vai decorrer entre 2017 e 2019, será financiada pela Cutty Sark Sail Fundation, organismo criado para desenhar e construir a réplica que segue os padrões originais do veleiro que em 2007 foi muito danificado por um grande incêndio mas que foi, entretanto, reconstruído.

Já a fragata escola Shtandart, que esta terça-feira esteve em Vila do Conde, é uma réplica de um navio russo do século XVIII, e foi construída pelas mãos do próprio Vladimir Martus, começando a navegar em 1999 e recebendo jovens de várias nacionalidades que durante semanas ou meses aprendem as lides num navio.

Source: Público – Vila do Conde ambiciona construir réplica do veleiro Cutty Sark

Other articles:

  • http://www.viva-porto.pt/Em-Destaque/vila-do-conde-quer-construir-replica-de-embarcacao-historica-inglesa.html
  • http://ionline.pt/412951
  • http://www.cm-viladoconde.pt/frontoffice/pages/655?news_id=2503


Perry Joiner

Perry Joiner

I just moved to Scotland from the San Francisco area, where I lived with my family on a 50 foot Ketch, after living on and maintaining a 105 year old Dutch Clipper in France for two years.

I’ve spent a lot of time at Maritime Museums in San Diego onboard the Star of India and San Francisco on the Balaclutha dreaming of seeing them under a full press of sail. The ship I served on in the U.S. Navy, in Public Affairs, is now a museum in San Diego, and the difference between a living ship and a museum piece is tangible and dramatic.

I’m a volunteer public relations officer for the United States Coast Guard as well as an Instructor and Vessel Safety Inspector.
I am excited to see this project come to reality.

Cutty Sark 2Sail is now officially registered charity in the UK

Cutty Sark 2Sail is now officially registered charity in the UK

Hello friends,

This is an important message for us. There’re two news that I am happy to share with you.

On Saturday, 5th of September 2015, onboard the Frigate Shtandart at Cowes, the Cutty Sark 2Sail Foundation was announced at a reception for members and guests of the RoyalYacht Squadron (RYS). The captain Vladimir Martus made a presentation about the project which was well received. Also present at the reception was Maldwin Drummond, former chairman of the Cutty Sark Trust, who in his reply gave the project his blessing and expressed his full support of the concept.

The UK Charity Commission has confirmed that the Cutty Sark 2Sail Foundation is registered as a charity. We will be opening a bank account in the UK soon. We can now start acting officially and set the sails to move forward!

If you want to contribute to the project success please feel free to join us or donate.

Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

A REPLICA of Tsar Peter the Great’s 18th century frigate Shtandart set sail from Swanage Pier on Friday lunchtime.

The full-sized version of Russia’s first ever naval warship docked at the Victorian seaside town this week, enabling visitors to sample what life at sea would have been like in the 1700s.

As the 100-foot sailing ship left for Cowes, where she’ll remain for the duration of this weekend’s Windsor Cup regatta, Swanage residents were even treated to a gun salute from the ship’s seven working cannon.

Captain Vladimir Martus told the Daily Echo: “The special thing about this ship is that it was built by volunteers, and the process of building the ship was the process of training young people in the craftsmanship needed.

“We wanted to preserve maritime skills and preserve maritime heritage.”

Shtandart is central to a project launched to help young Russian’s learn to work in a team and become professional craftsmen.

This project started in St Petersburg, Russia, in 1994, with the ship launched in 1999. One of the project patron’s is Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

Yesterday happened to be the 16th birthday of the Shtandart’s launch.

“The ship is a full-sized replica of the first warship built by Russian Tsar Peter the Great, to defend Russian trade routes,” explained her captain. “There were some cargo ships before but she was the first proper battleship.”

The ship is 100-feet long, with a displacement of 220-tonnes, has three rigged masts and 620 square metres of sails.

Project Shtandart leaders are also working on a second scheme for young people, to build a working replica of the historic clipper ship Cutty Sark.

“Following the success of the Shtandart we wanted to continue in the same direction, maybe even bringing back the age of the sailing ships,” explained Captain Martus.

“I believe our generation is losing a lot of traditional skills and we want to preserve this knowledge for mankind.

The captain also believes sailing ships have huge potential commercially.

“The Cutty Sark was one of the best-known sailing ships in the world,” he explained. “She was sailing up to 16/17 knots, faster than many of the steam ships of the same period.

“Actually, if you look at the modern container ships, they are usually run at the economical speed of 10-12 knots, so she’s potentially comparable with modern sea transportation.

“We have just taken the first steps and are working on design and approval.”

The Shtandart is due to return to Poole Harbour before setting sail for Cherbourg on Tuesday.


Source: Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

Living Naval History to visit Dorset

Living Naval History to visit Dorset

The replica of Peter the Great’s first warship the frigate Shtandart, originally built in 1703 in St Petersburg, will once again be visiting Swanage Pier on Thursday 3rd  September and the morning of Friday 4th September. The ship will be open to the public from 10.00 till 19.00 on 3rd Sept, and from 10:00 till 12:00 on the 4th. There will be the possibility of sailing with Shtandart from Swanage to Cowes on Friday afternoon (depart 13.00 hrs arrive 18.00 hrs). This opportunity is open to enthusiastic sailors who would like to experience sailing on an 18th century frigate. The number of places is limited to 12. Please apply on board Shtandart. At Cowes, Shtandart will be moored at Trinity Landing from 18.00 hrs on Friday evening and remain there for the duration of the Windsor Cup Sailing Regatta. She will then be returning to Poole Harbour until 8th September when she sets sail for Cherbourg.

In Poole, the BBC will be filming on board for a documentary about the Romanov Tsar Dynasty.

There will be a private cocktail party at Cowes on Saturday evening 5th September for members and invited guests of the Royal Yacht Squadron where Vladimir Martus the builder and Captain of the Shtandart will be announcing the launch of an exciting new venture – Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation – created to build a replica clipper ship based on the Cutty Sark. This project is looking for volunteers and information is available either on the Shtandart or at: www.new.cutty-sark.org

Reference to Journalists: For further information relating to attending at the cocktail party on Saturday 5th September 18.00-19.30 hrs where there will be a short presentation relating to the Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation or to book a passage from Swanage to Cowes, please contact: Vladimir Martus on +31 616211987 and on +44 (0)742 5848048 (after 1st September) or by e-mail vm@cutty-sark.org

Press Release.pdf

15 year anniversary of putting the Shtandart under sails

15 year anniversary of putting the Shtandart under sails

The Sail of Hope

Fifteen years ago, in June 2000, the frigate Shtandart set sail for the first time. The people who had built the Shtandart became her first crew. Enthusiasts who for years had been working to make their dream come true, had finally realising their ambition. Watch the 30-minute video about how she was built. English and Portuguese subtitles available.

Watch on YouTube

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 03/2015)

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 03/2015)

Pientä tuulenvirettä

Lehden viime numerossa esiteltiin hanke, jonka tarkoituksena on rakentaa replika Cutty Sarkista, legendaarisesta teeklipperistä. 1800-luvulla brittien käsissä laiva päihitti nopeudessa kaikki muut aikalaisensa. Venäläisvetoinen rakennushanke ottaa nyt varovaisia askeleitaan.


 1800-luvun lopun Cutty Sark -teeklipperiä pidetään kaikkien aikojen kauneimpana purjelaivana, josta nyt siis aiotaan tehdä identtinen kopio. Englantiin on jo saatu perustettua hanketta eteenpäin vievä säätiö Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation, jonka hallitukseen on kutsuttu henkilöitä perinnelaiva- ja merenkulkujärjestöistä. Vahtipäälliköksi itsensä nimittänyt Vladimir Martus on viimeisimmät kannuksensa kerännyt rakennuttamalla monesti Suomessakin nähdyn perinnelaiva Shtandartin ja johtaa nyt uutta hanketta Cutty Sarkin näköislaivan rakentamiseksi. Projektin kansainvälisyyteen haetaan innoitusta muun muassa siitä näkökulmasta, että alkuperäinenkin Cutty Sark purjehti seitsemällä merellä ja oli rakennettu materiaaleista, jotka tuotiin useasta maasta. Ja valmistuessaan uuden laivan on tarkoitus levittää yhdenvertaisuuden ja perinnetietoisuuden sanomaa satamasta ja maanosasta toiseen. Jos hanke etenee suunnitellusti, tänä ja ensi vuonna pääpaino on varainkeruulla, mutta jo 2017 veistetään kölipuuta. Suurena tavoitteena on, että uusi Cutty Sark 2 laskettaisiin vesille vuonna 2019, jolloin tulee kuluneeksi tasan 150 vuotta alkuperäisen vesillelaskusta.  Logo valmiina
Hiljattain päättyneen logonsuunnittelukilpailun voittajakin on selvillä, vaikka sitä ei olekaan vielä julkistettu. Suurin osa osallistujista oli Venäjältä, myös voittaja, nimimerkki Strixed, jonka logossa viekoittelevasti katsovan noidan hiukset muodostavat laivan purjeet. Purje-lehden taittaja Susanna Ylä-Pynnönen lähetti kilpailuun kaksi työtä, jotka ovat ohessa. Vaatimuksena oli, että logossa pitää esiintyä sekä luku 2 että lause ”Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Monet ehdotukset tyytyivät kopioimaan itse laivan hahmoa, mutta parhaissa oli ideaa enemmänkin. Nerokkaimmat ehdotukset keskittyivät modernisoimaan Nannyn, alkuperäisen keulakuvanoidan hahmoa.

Download the article  PURJE_3_2015_CSII.pdf

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 02/2015)

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 02/2015)

It was published in the magazine Purje 02/2015


Syntyisikö noita uudestaan?


  Venäjällä on saatu aikaiseksi myös paljon hyvää ja kaunista, mitä ei juuri tässä maailmantilanteessa tule herkästi muistaneeksi. Uskollisten perinnepurjelaivojen näköispainokset nimittäin ovat jo maailman merillä tuttu näky, mutta nyt suunnitellaan replikaa brittien ylpeydestä, itse Cutty Sarkista.
 tä haluaa seuraavaksi rakentaa Cutty Sark -klipperin näköislaivan. Shtandart on sellainen itsekin, joten täällä jos missä sanoilla oli painoarvoa. – Jos kohtaan vastustusta Englannissa, pitää kysyä vaikkapa Puolasta, Martus hymyili. Sittemmin hanke on ottanut, jos ei nyt tuulta alleen, niin ainakin pari varovaista mutta määrätietoista lisäaskelta. Martus on nimittänyt itsensä vahtipäälliköksi, ja englantilaistenkin edessä on viime marraskuussa asia esitetty. Riemunkiljahduksilta ymmärrettävästi säästyttiin, olihan mukana sellaisia vaikuttajia, jotka olivat ponnistelleet alkuperäisen Cutty Sarkin kunnostamiseksi. Joukossa oli kuitenkin myös niitä, joiden mielestä ajatus purjehtivasta Cutty Sarkista oli liian houkutteleva syrjään siirrettäväksi. Alkuperäinen alus kun ei tule ikinä enää merelle pääsemään, vaan se seisoo Thames-joen penkalla tiukasti tuettuna. Näköislaivaa puuhaava ryhmä on toistaiseksi pieni, mutta liiketoimintasuunnitelma laadittiin vielä viime vuoden puolella, ja nyt tiimi etsii yhteistyökumppaneita kaikilta mahdollisilta aloilta, jotka vähänkin voivat hanketta auttaa. Mukaan on ilmoittautunut Purje-lehtikin.
Teeklipperin tarinasta kerrottiin Purjeen numerossa 2/2012 pitemmänpuoleinen versio, kun Lontoon Greenwichissä pahoin palanut Cutty Sark oli saatu restauroitua takaisin entiseen loistoonsa ja yleisön nähtäville. Aikansa raaseriksi rakennettu rahtialus löi 1800-luvun lopulla täysissä purjeissaan nopeusennätyksiä, kun Kiinasta tuotiin teetä englantilaisten hienostorouvien posliinikuppeihin. Kapea ja siro laiva herätti huomiota silloin ja nyt, kun sen alta pääsee kävelemään ja voi ihastella aluksen sulavia muotoja. Kukapa kauniita kaaria arvostava ei antaisi hymyssä suin katseensa vaellella pitkin kypsän rouvan kylkiä. Pari vuotta myöhemmin Turun Gangut -purjelaivatapahtumassa venäläisen Shtandart-perinnealuksen kapteeninhytissä suuren puupöydän äärellä kippari Vladimir Martus hiljensi pienen seurueen täräyttämällä, et-

Download the article PURJE_2_2015_CSII.pdf