Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

A REPLICA of Tsar Peter the Great’s 18th century frigate Shtandart set sail from Swanage Pier on Friday lunchtime.

The full-sized version of Russia’s first ever naval warship docked at the Victorian seaside town this week, enabling visitors to sample what life at sea would have been like in the 1700s.

As the 100-foot sailing ship left for Cowes, where she’ll remain for the duration of this weekend’s Windsor Cup regatta, Swanage residents were even treated to a gun salute from the ship’s seven working cannon.

Captain Vladimir Martus told the Daily Echo: “The special thing about this ship is that it was built by volunteers, and the process of building the ship was the process of training young people in the craftsmanship needed.

“We wanted to preserve maritime skills and preserve maritime heritage.”

Shtandart is central to a project launched to help young Russian’s learn to work in a team and become professional craftsmen.

This project started in St Petersburg, Russia, in 1994, with the ship launched in 1999. One of the project patron’s is Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.

Yesterday happened to be the 16th birthday of the Shtandart’s launch.

“The ship is a full-sized replica of the first warship built by Russian Tsar Peter the Great, to defend Russian trade routes,” explained her captain. “There were some cargo ships before but she was the first proper battleship.”

The ship is 100-feet long, with a displacement of 220-tonnes, has three rigged masts and 620 square metres of sails.

Project Shtandart leaders are also working on a second scheme for young people, to build a working replica of the historic clipper ship Cutty Sark.

“Following the success of the Shtandart we wanted to continue in the same direction, maybe even bringing back the age of the sailing ships,” explained Captain Martus.

“I believe our generation is losing a lot of traditional skills and we want to preserve this knowledge for mankind.

The captain also believes sailing ships have huge potential commercially.

“The Cutty Sark was one of the best-known sailing ships in the world,” he explained. “She was sailing up to 16/17 knots, faster than many of the steam ships of the same period.

“Actually, if you look at the modern container ships, they are usually run at the economical speed of 10-12 knots, so she’s potentially comparable with modern sea transportation.

“We have just taken the first steps and are working on design and approval.”

The Shtandart is due to return to Poole Harbour before setting sail for Cherbourg on Tuesday.


Source: Daily Echo: Replica of Shtandart Russian navy ship sets sail from Swanage

Living Naval History to visit Dorset

Living Naval History to visit Dorset

The replica of Peter the Great’s first warship the frigate Shtandart, originally built in 1703 in St Petersburg, will once again be visiting Swanage Pier on Thursday 3rd  September and the morning of Friday 4th September. The ship will be open to the public from 10.00 till 19.00 on 3rd Sept, and from 10:00 till 12:00 on the 4th. There will be the possibility of sailing with Shtandart from Swanage to Cowes on Friday afternoon (depart 13.00 hrs arrive 18.00 hrs). This opportunity is open to enthusiastic sailors who would like to experience sailing on an 18th century frigate. The number of places is limited to 12. Please apply on board Shtandart. At Cowes, Shtandart will be moored at Trinity Landing from 18.00 hrs on Friday evening and remain there for the duration of the Windsor Cup Sailing Regatta. She will then be returning to Poole Harbour until 8th September when she sets sail for Cherbourg.

In Poole, the BBC will be filming on board for a documentary about the Romanov Tsar Dynasty.

There will be a private cocktail party at Cowes on Saturday evening 5th September for members and invited guests of the Royal Yacht Squadron where Vladimir Martus the builder and Captain of the Shtandart will be announcing the launch of an exciting new venture – Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation – created to build a replica clipper ship based on the Cutty Sark. This project is looking for volunteers and information is available either on the Shtandart or at: www.new.cutty-sark.org

Reference to Journalists: For further information relating to attending at the cocktail party on Saturday 5th September 18.00-19.30 hrs where there will be a short presentation relating to the Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation or to book a passage from Swanage to Cowes, please contact: Vladimir Martus on +31 616211987 and on +44 (0)742 5848048 (after 1st September) or by e-mail vm@cutty-sark.org

Press Release.pdf

15 year anniversary of putting the Shtandart under sails

15 year anniversary of putting the Shtandart under sails

The Sail of Hope

Fifteen years ago, in June 2000, the frigate Shtandart set sail for the first time. The people who had built the Shtandart became her first crew. Enthusiasts who for years had been working to make their dream come true, had finally realising their ambition. Watch the 30-minute video about how she was built. English and Portuguese subtitles available.

Watch on YouTube

Let’s meet in Szczecin!

Let’s meet in Szczecin!

Hello to all friends of the Cutty Sark Reborn 2Sail project! Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening depending on where you are!

For those of you who live in Europe, the summer has arrived and in the sailing world this means it’s the right time for visiting maritime events and tall ship festivals.

One of them will take place this weekend in Szczecin, Poland. You have probably heard about it already, but if not, the TSR Szczecin (June 13 – 15th) is one of the biggest outdoor events in the country that attracts thousands of people every year.

It’s part of the Baltic Tall Ships Regatta  Coastal Program with free excursions, museums, swimming pools, vintage car rally and the ultimate experience – a breath-taking parade of spectacular sailing ships! Add to this music concerts, fireworks, fun sports competitions and loud parties…great time guaranteed!

And guess what? We are going to be there!

The Cutty Sark Reborn 2Sail Team will be on board of frigate “Shtandart”, the replica of the famous Russian war ship built in 1703 to defend St. Petersburg.

Captain Vladimir Martus welcomes you aboard! You will be able to explore the ship, get to know the Captain and crew – even sail with us for a couple of hours if you wish…and if you want to know more about Cutty Sark Reborn2Sail or are thinking of joining the project, our team will be ready to answer your questions.

So, if you live in Szczecin or nearby or are spending you vacations in Poland – please come along and enjoy all the fun of the Festival!

We look forward to welcoming you on board!

Lina Radova on behalf of CS2 Team


Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 03/2015)

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 03/2015)

Pientä tuulenvirettä

Lehden viime numerossa esiteltiin hanke, jonka tarkoituksena on rakentaa replika Cutty Sarkista, legendaarisesta teeklipperistä. 1800-luvulla brittien käsissä laiva päihitti nopeudessa kaikki muut aikalaisensa. Venäläisvetoinen rakennushanke ottaa nyt varovaisia askeleitaan.


 1800-luvun lopun Cutty Sark -teeklipperiä pidetään kaikkien aikojen kauneimpana purjelaivana, josta nyt siis aiotaan tehdä identtinen kopio. Englantiin on jo saatu perustettua hanketta eteenpäin vievä säätiö Cutty Sark 2 Sail Foundation, jonka hallitukseen on kutsuttu henkilöitä perinnelaiva- ja merenkulkujärjestöistä. Vahtipäälliköksi itsensä nimittänyt Vladimir Martus on viimeisimmät kannuksensa kerännyt rakennuttamalla monesti Suomessakin nähdyn perinnelaiva Shtandartin ja johtaa nyt uutta hanketta Cutty Sarkin näköislaivan rakentamiseksi. Projektin kansainvälisyyteen haetaan innoitusta muun muassa siitä näkökulmasta, että alkuperäinenkin Cutty Sark purjehti seitsemällä merellä ja oli rakennettu materiaaleista, jotka tuotiin useasta maasta. Ja valmistuessaan uuden laivan on tarkoitus levittää yhdenvertaisuuden ja perinnetietoisuuden sanomaa satamasta ja maanosasta toiseen. Jos hanke etenee suunnitellusti, tänä ja ensi vuonna pääpaino on varainkeruulla, mutta jo 2017 veistetään kölipuuta. Suurena tavoitteena on, että uusi Cutty Sark 2 laskettaisiin vesille vuonna 2019, jolloin tulee kuluneeksi tasan 150 vuotta alkuperäisen vesillelaskusta.  Logo valmiina
Hiljattain päättyneen logonsuunnittelukilpailun voittajakin on selvillä, vaikka sitä ei olekaan vielä julkistettu. Suurin osa osallistujista oli Venäjältä, myös voittaja, nimimerkki Strixed, jonka logossa viekoittelevasti katsovan noidan hiukset muodostavat laivan purjeet. Purje-lehden taittaja Susanna Ylä-Pynnönen lähetti kilpailuun kaksi työtä, jotka ovat ohessa. Vaatimuksena oli, että logossa pitää esiintyä sekä luku 2 että lause ”Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Monet ehdotukset tyytyivät kopioimaan itse laivan hahmoa, mutta parhaissa oli ideaa enemmänkin. Nerokkaimmat ehdotukset keskittyivät modernisoimaan Nannyn, alkuperäisen keulakuvanoidan hahmoa.

Download the article  PURJE_3_2015_CSII.pdf

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 02/2015)

Article in Finnish about the project (Purje 02/2015)

It was published in the magazine Purje 02/2015


Syntyisikö noita uudestaan?


  Venäjällä on saatu aikaiseksi myös paljon hyvää ja kaunista, mitä ei juuri tässä maailmantilanteessa tule herkästi muistaneeksi. Uskollisten perinnepurjelaivojen näköispainokset nimittäin ovat jo maailman merillä tuttu näky, mutta nyt suunnitellaan replikaa brittien ylpeydestä, itse Cutty Sarkista.
 tä haluaa seuraavaksi rakentaa Cutty Sark -klipperin näköislaivan. Shtandart on sellainen itsekin, joten täällä jos missä sanoilla oli painoarvoa. – Jos kohtaan vastustusta Englannissa, pitää kysyä vaikkapa Puolasta, Martus hymyili. Sittemmin hanke on ottanut, jos ei nyt tuulta alleen, niin ainakin pari varovaista mutta määrätietoista lisäaskelta. Martus on nimittänyt itsensä vahtipäälliköksi, ja englantilaistenkin edessä on viime marraskuussa asia esitetty. Riemunkiljahduksilta ymmärrettävästi säästyttiin, olihan mukana sellaisia vaikuttajia, jotka olivat ponnistelleet alkuperäisen Cutty Sarkin kunnostamiseksi. Joukossa oli kuitenkin myös niitä, joiden mielestä ajatus purjehtivasta Cutty Sarkista oli liian houkutteleva syrjään siirrettäväksi. Alkuperäinen alus kun ei tule ikinä enää merelle pääsemään, vaan se seisoo Thames-joen penkalla tiukasti tuettuna. Näköislaivaa puuhaava ryhmä on toistaiseksi pieni, mutta liiketoimintasuunnitelma laadittiin vielä viime vuoden puolella, ja nyt tiimi etsii yhteistyökumppaneita kaikilta mahdollisilta aloilta, jotka vähänkin voivat hanketta auttaa. Mukaan on ilmoittautunut Purje-lehtikin.
Teeklipperin tarinasta kerrottiin Purjeen numerossa 2/2012 pitemmänpuoleinen versio, kun Lontoon Greenwichissä pahoin palanut Cutty Sark oli saatu restauroitua takaisin entiseen loistoonsa ja yleisön nähtäville. Aikansa raaseriksi rakennettu rahtialus löi 1800-luvun lopulla täysissä purjeissaan nopeusennätyksiä, kun Kiinasta tuotiin teetä englantilaisten hienostorouvien posliinikuppeihin. Kapea ja siro laiva herätti huomiota silloin ja nyt, kun sen alta pääsee kävelemään ja voi ihastella aluksen sulavia muotoja. Kukapa kauniita kaaria arvostava ei antaisi hymyssä suin katseensa vaellella pitkin kypsän rouvan kylkiä. Pari vuotta myöhemmin Turun Gangut -purjelaivatapahtumassa venäläisen Shtandart-perinnealuksen kapteeninhytissä suuren puupöydän äärellä kippari Vladimir Martus hiljensi pienen seurueen täräyttämällä, et-

Download the article PURJE_2_2015_CSII.pdf

Cutty-Sark.org new website launch

Cutty-Sark.org new website launch

After a long development period we are about to launch our new website.
The concept, a clear, simple, young and dynamic viewpoint. Now published but not finished, it will change and grow with our project.

Please come back regularly to see changes and join our mailing list to get all the news.

Check our FACEBOOK page to meet the group of enthusiastic people.

Joins our group or just simply contact us we are happy to talk to you.

Official name of the Cutty Sark Replica Project is confirmed

Official name of the Cutty Sark Replica Project is confirmed

An official name of the Cutty Sark Project is confirmed as


After a meeting of the Trustees in London on Monday, we are delighted to confirm that the name “Cutty Sark 2Sail Foundation” will be our official title.

The finance team has been appointed and the Trust Constitution and Application forms are being prepared to comply with the Charity requirements.

We are making contact with mainstream TV media and the search for potential construction sites in the UK and other countries is underway, the detailed information and SWOT analysis to be available by the end of April 2015.

We are also working on a logo and a company style.
Ideas are welcome!

Cutty Sark 2Sail Newsletter No 3

December 2014
Dear all,
Thank you for your interest in the Cutty Sark 2 building project! When many good people share the same dream – it comes to reality.

We are at the beginning of a long way. In five years we have planned to convert the dream into reality. The idea of having new beautiful tall-ship sailing require a bit of paperwork, quite complicated design process, lots of carpentry and steel-work, but also it means getting a new knowledge, reviving essential skills, making new friends and even setting off on exciting journeys to unknown eastern countries to cut wood for planking. It is a great feeling of being part of most friendly team, working together and creating huge thing – 19th century three-mast ship. That is coming. Sooner that you might expect.

We have started. We got together – so far it is a small team. The first weekend of December we have met at Shtandart – our floating office – to discuss future of the project, work out first steps, and share challenges.
We want our team to grow. If you feel excited about the dream of sailing real tea clipper – just join us.

Watch Leader Vladimir Martus

In mid November, Vladimir Martus and Dmitry Ryabchikov has visited the largest conference of tall ships and sail-training world. It seems that information about Cutty Sark Reborn 2Sail has spread around quite wide. Most of sail-trainers know, and support the idea.

There was another chance to speak a couple of words about the project at the conference of Royal Institution of Naval Architects at the end of November in London. As you may expect, the presentation received restrained reaction as it was made in front of those professionals who had already been involved in the original Cutty Sark restoration. But even among them there are people who feel themselves intrigued enough with our project and ready to participate in it. After all, lots of british people and naval specialists long wished for Cutty Sark to sail again.

At the first weekend of December, the Crew of the New Cutty Sark got together: we’ve stared working on a business plan for the project. So far there are only six of us, but as we continue receiving a warm support from all over the world we hope our team to widen promptly. During the meeting onboard Shtandart we have discussed fundraising, marketing, communication strategy and ship’s construction. Of course, remembering that we are not only startupers but an eighteenth century tall-ship watch, we kept on preparing food at the galley and dining at crew messroom, climbing the shrouds and even walking at capstan. No surprise that finally we decided to call out team LOOKOUT WATCH of Cutty Sark.

YOU can join us now and become the part of the team! We are actively seeking for volunteer naval specialists, marketers, copywriters, translators, PR-specialists, graphical designers and all the people with the same view and passion for sails. Thousands of different tasks we have to complete, before Cutty Sark 2 will sail in the Ocean. Have a look at new event LOOKOUT WATCH and choose one of the challenges, which you could take – searching for information, comparing successful crowd-funding campaigns, writing to our future supporters and partners… See the details here, Event LOOKOUT WATCH.

Thank you again for your support, smooth sailing and fair water!